1 | Very interesting class! Professor Shi is a phenomenal teacher - he sparks excitement in his students for the topics he discusses in class! |
2 | This is probably the best course I have been to. It’s a great learning experience of course materials along with witness of the perfect way of teaching. |
3 | The course itself was relatively interesting and provided a different look on materials coming from an MET background. The only thing I didn't like about the course was that our only grades were exams. I think it would've been more beneficial if there was at least a little homework. |
4 | Love having professor Shi again. I took this course because I am required to for my minor but also because professor Shi's lectures are just interesting. I felt he taught us well and prepared us well for the exams. Would recommend to others to take this class. |
5 | Go over the exams to clarify any confusion. |
6 | Dr. Shi is one of my favorite professors and I wanted to take him specifically because of previous courses. He is extremely fair and enjoys teaching his classes. I actually learned an enormous amount of information in his class. |
7 | Best Tutor I have ever met since joining UC. |